The current first-year class has 269 students total. This is the smallest class in recent years. Data from last year shows that there are currently 339 sophomores, 274 juniors, and 318 seniors. The goal for total enrollment is 1400 students according to Vice President for Student Development Dr. Marquita Barker, which means about 350 students a class.
Despite the small class, the admissions department is excited about those who have chosen to attend Knox.
“These are smart and resilient individuals who had anything but a typical high school experience. They persevered through the past four years, and we just know that they’re going to achieve amazing things here at Knox. We cannot wait to see all that they do, and the impact they’re going to have on our community”, Assistant Vice President of Admissions Kimberly Zimmerman said.
International students make up 24% of the population, coming from 30 different countries. Domestic students come from 28 U.S. states. About 37% are students of color. There are 105 student athletes.
The biggest state represented among US students is Illinois, contributing 114 students according to the admissions office. Coming in next are Missouri and California, with 14 and 10 students each.
In terms of international students, the most represented countries are Japan and India, with eight students each. Pakistan and South Korea came in second and third, with six and four students respectively.
Director of International Student Services, Alex Pia, said that compared to last year, there were more students coming from abroad because it was the first year where recruiting was done in a totally Covid-free environment.
“During Covid, a lot of embassies closed down, so there were no student-visas being given, and students are not traveling as freely as before. When consulates started to open, it opened up a door for us and we were back to a more normal year,” Pia said.
Pia also mentioned that the lifting of Covid policies also contributed to a more diverse campus for international students by bringing in students from more countries where the consulates reopened.
Overall, Knox currently has a total student population of 1050, with an average class size of 14 and a 10:1 student-faculty ratio. The college offers 18 varsity teams in NCAA Division III, and over 50% of the students participate in varsity, club, or intramural sports.