Knox College continues to uphold its commitment to a drug and alcohol free campus environment, as evidenced by a significant decline in liquor law violations over the past three years. The college strictly prohibits the unlawful possession, use, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs and alcohol on campus, adhering to both federal and state regulations, particularly those concerning underage drinking.
Recent reports indicate a significant reduction in alcohol-related disciplinary referrals. In 2021, the college recorded 51 violations on campus, with 48 occurring in residence halls and 3 in other campus locations.
The following year, 2022, saw a decrease to 42 total violations—41 in residence halls and just 1 in other campus locations.
By 2023, this trend continued, with only 28 total violations reported, 27 in residence halls and 1 elsewhere.
Concerns had been raised regarding potential increases in alcohol-related referrals due to the large enrollment of first-year students. However, recent conversations with Nathan Kemp, Campus Safety Director, revealed no current alcohol referrals this year, suggesting effective enforcement of the existing policies.
Additionally, all registered campus parties maintain a strict no-alcohol policy, contributing to a positive event atmosphere.
The next annual report on liquor law violations for 2024 will be available next year, but the current data reflects a significant decline in alcohol violations