Knox College’s chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon has been suspended until January of 2024.
Vice President for Student Development Dr. MarQuita Barker announced in a May 31 email that the National Headquarters of Tau Kappa Epsilon suspended Knox College’s chapter.
“Suspension, in this case, means that the chapter members will not reside in the TKE house during the summer or fall terms of 2023,” reads the email announcing the suspension. “The chapter is not able to host events or any organized activities. Before resuming any activities, the chapter will be required to complete several educational sessions with the national organization and Knox College.”
A TKE party was the catalyst for a student protest about the college’s handling of sexual assault allegations.
Dr. Barker clarified via email that “there was no single cause of the suspension”. She also explained that the educational sessions, while not yet decided, will be “specific to TKE.”
Voicemails have been left with the National Headquarters of TKE asking for comment. Knox’s TKE chapter has also been asked for comment. If either responds, this article will be updated.
TKE’s suspension currently lasts until January 2024.
7/21: This article was previously published in conjunction with an update to the investigation into Knox Title IX processes. They have been separated so as to not link two incidents that have not been proved related.