“The hype, the hope, and the hurt, the facts and the phallices; when will you grab your 6 foot bong? When should you buy your PBR? Have you seen Andy McGadney without a bowtie? Tell us about the unicorn that galloped through the quad. Pick your matching mask and outfit, fill your bottles with rum, grab a shovel and dig dig d i g
Join us. Hear the friars. Join us with pots and pans and heart and hype.
Join us.” WikiFire, Flunk Day 2023
There are plenty of traditions centered around Flunk Day, but perhaps the most engaging one is the hunt for the true date of the yearly event.
Early in the afternoon of April 18, Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students Deb Southern sent out an email regarding this year’s Flunk Day celebrations. The email reminded students of campus policy regarding the Student Code of Conduct, intoxication, and carrying your student ID with you at all times. Now that this email has been sent, any day is free game for Flunk Day (that is, any day now that Ramadan has ended, which the administration schedules around).
While the date of Flunk Day will be unknown to all but a select few until the day it actually arrives, plenty of fun can be had in the speculation. People can get emotionally attached to certain dates, hoping it will (or won’t) conflict with a certain class period or day of the week. People collect evidence based off the scheduling of meetings, sports games, canceled classes, and cryptic statements from administration and the Flunk Day committee.
If you are curious what evidence other Knox students have collected, you can find it all in one place on the WikiFire. You can find information on the historical dates of Flunk Days and contribute your own evidence to the conversation.
So far this term, the Flunk Day 2023 page has been mostly quiet.
The largest piece of evidence so far came on April 10. An anonymous user uploaded a photo of a chalkboard found in GDH 105.
The chalkboard showed speculation, or perhaps planning, of both Flunk Day themes and events. Suggestions for events ranged from a bouncy house to day-long access to ice cream. Meanwhile, potential themes ranged from pirates to “2023 and Me Chromosome Flunk”.
While this piece of evidence might help us get closer to the theme of this year’s Flunk Day — something that is also kept under wraps — it does nothing when it comes to the date.
It seems like there is only one piece of evidence so far.
“Faculty have reported meetings getting moved the week of May 1st,” said another anonymous source on the forum.
Unearthing the date of Flunk Day will take a lot of investigation and dedication. You can add your speculation to the WikiFire at any time.