Knox College has been awarded the Abolition for All Time grant to establish the “Abolition for All Time” Humanities Lab on campus. The lab aims to provide student researchers with the opportunity to step forward against social injustice and explore the concept of abolition. Projects created by students will be posted and a project launch event will be held in the laboratory’s physical space.
Chief of Staff and Vice President for Strategic Initiatives Heather Bumps released the internal and external Title IX reports that took place over Spring Term.
Knox College’s Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE) chapter was recently suspended by The National Headquarters of TKE.
Members of Knox Women’s Frisbee Share Hopes and Concerns for Nationals
In 2014 alone, Knox College ranked fourth in the nation for reports of rape on campus. According to the Annual Security Report, there were 10 cases per 1,000 students. The Annual Security report is mandated by the U.S. Department of Education for the strengthening of campus safety.
Conversations about the experience of students of color at Knox resurfaced after the March 6th protest against sexual assault when students of color came forward to highlight how racial and national identities impacted students of color’s experiences on campus.
Although Knox is small in size, it is home to many nighttime activities. Some students believe the college is in a period of transition, giving a unique opportunity to student organizations to help shape nightlife at Knox.
Knox Student Maureen Schmid shadows doctors in Italy.
Sitting down with Brandon Roberts, the musician behind The BDR Project, to discuss his music.
TKS art critic Red Engel discusses “A Gallery of Their Own,”: a feminist student curated exhibit of works from Knox College’s own art collection. The Borzello exhibit was curated by students in the Art Museum Curating course lead by Art History Professor Gregory Gilbert. It’s purpose is to showcase many works of art done by both renowned and lesser-known women artists spanning from the 19th-20th century.
A show originally scheduled for Winter 2022 makes it to the stage.
When the Student Senate announced new menu items at the Gizmo, I was excited to finally try my favorite dish: fish and chips, but my experience was not what I was expecting.
Knox College has been awarded the Abolition for All Time grant to establish the “Abolition for All Time” Humanities Lab on campus. The lab aims to provide student researchers with the opportunity to step forward against social injustice and explore the concept of abolition. Projects created by students will be posted and a project launch event will be held in the laboratory’s physical space.